The following are among the most common orthodontic problems treated by Dr. Okubo:
Dental Midlines
not Aligned

Dental Midline is a term that refers to the midsagittal line of maxillary and mandibular dental arches possessing teeth of ideal size, shape, and position when situated in maximum intercuspation. Each arch also possesses its own midline, which can be used to refer to the location of contact between the mesial surfaces of the central incisors.
Upper Front
Tooth Protrusion

Upper front teeth that protrude beyond normal contact with the lower front teeth are prone to injury, often indicate a poor bite of the back teeth (molars), and may indicate an unevenness in jaw growth. Thumb and finger sucking habits can also cause a protrusion of the upper incisor teeth.

Overbite refers to the extent of vertical overlap of the maxillary central incisors over the mandibular central incisors. Overbite does not refer to a lower jaw being too far behind the upper jaw (retrognathia) or a misalignment of the teeth. It is measured relative to the incisal ridges.

Crowding of teeth is where there is insufficient room for the normal complement of adult teeth.

Crossbite can involve a single tooth or a group of teeth. It can be classified in anterior or posterior and bilateral or unilateral.
An Anterior Crossbite cannot be referred to as negative overjet. This condition is typical of class III skeletal relations (prognathism).
Posterior crossbite is often correlated to a narrow maxilla and upper dental arch. A posterior cross-bite can be unilateral or bilateral. Unilateral cross-bite often determines a lateral shift of the mandibular position, which can become structural if left untreated for a long time during growth, leading to skeletal asymmetries.
Open Bite

Openbite is when the upper and lower front teeth do not overlap. Openbite may be caused by unwanted habits, such as tongue thrusting and thumb sucking.
Whatever your Orthodontic Problems, Dr Okubo can Help!
Just learning whether you need braces shouldn't cost an arm and a leg. At Okubo Orthodontics, we'll start you out with a free consultation, and walk you through the entire process.
Types of Adult Braces
Indirect Bonding Braces
Indirect bonding is the most frequently used orthodontic option, as the results are reliable, and the process is usually relatively cost-effective.
Clarity Ceramic Braces
Clarity Advanced Ceramic Brackets are translucent ceramic, low profile brackets that and blend with your teeth. They are very subtle and discreet.
Harmony Lingual Braces
Lingual braces are truly hidden, in that they are positioned behind your teeth, straightening your smile and correcting your bite while virtually invisible!
Clear Teeth Aligners
Clear Removable Aligners system uses a series of clear aligners that fit over the teeth and gradually straighten them. No braces or wires are used.